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+98 513 400 1110

dc seyyed hasan babaei

Dr Seyyed Hasan Babaeie


General and cosmetic surgery
Khorasan Razavi

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All beauty services including Cosmetic surgeries & Blepharoplasty & temple lift & Ghabghab suction

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What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that is performed to solve the problems of white eyelids and black eyes. This surgery is performed to reduce signs of aging and eye fatigue, such as sleepy eyes, puffy eyes, and droopy eyelids.

In blepharoplasty, the skin and tissue of the upper or lower eyelids are cut and excess tissue and fat are removed. The skin is then sewn into a new shape to give the new eyelids a more youthful and attractive appearance. In blepharoplasty, the old and shrinking tissues around the eyes are lightened and your eyes look younger and fresher.

What are the benefits of blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that is performed to improve the corneal vision of patients with heavy, drooping or wrinkled eyelids. Some of the benefits of blepharoplasty include:

Improved vision: Blepharoplasty can improve the vision of patients with drooping or heavy eyelids. By removing the excess of the eyelid, blepharoplasty can reduce the limitation of vision and improve the patient's vision.
Improving facial shape: drooping eyelids can change the shape of the face and improve the patient's appearance. By performing blepharoplasty, the shape of the patient's face can be improved and a younger and healthier appearance can be achieved.
Fix vision problems: Drooping eyelids can cause vision problems. Blepharoplasty can help correct these problems by removing excess eyelids.
Improving self-confidence: Blepharoplasty can improve the self-confidence of patients. By improving the shape of the face and removing drooping eyelids, patients can feel more satisfied and self-assured.
Of course, it should be noted that every surgery comes with risks, and if this surgery is performed by a specialist and experienced doctor, it can reduce the risks.

Is blepharoplasty suitable for everyone?

Blepharoplasty is a suitable solution for patients who are faced with drooping, heavy or wrinkled eyelids, and these problems affect their daily interactions, work and even improving their vision. However, this surgery is not suitable for everyone and in order to do it, you must meet certain conditions. Some of the conditions that may make you unable to perform blepharoplasty are:

Systemic diseases: diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and other systemic diseases may cause the inability to perform blepharoplasty.

Certain medications: Some medications, such as anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, may cause the inability to perform blepharoplasty.
Eye problems: Some eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma may make it impossible to perform blepharoplasty.
Inability to tolerate surgery: Some people cannot tolerate blepharoplasty surgery well for reasons such as severe diseases, intolerance to anesthesia or other health conditions.
Therefore, before deciding to do blepharoplasty, you should consult a specialist doctor and check your conditions.

Do I need to undergo general anesthesia for blepharoplasty?

The type of anesthesia used in blepharoplasty surgery depends on the patient's condition, the size of the surgery and the doctor's decision. But in general, two types of anesthesia may be used for blepharoplasty: general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

In general anesthesia, the patient is anesthetized under the supervision of a full medical team and is generally used for major surgeries or if the patient requires deep anesthesia. In this case, the patient falls into a deep sleep and all body sensations and movements are lost.

But in local anesthesia, only one part of the patient's body is locally anesthetized, and the patient is still awake and in control of movement and sensation. This type of anesthesia is used for smaller, more limited surgeries, such as blepharoplasty.

Therefore, for blepharoplasty, it depends on your condition and the doctor's decision which type of anesthesia to use. However, most doctors use local anesthesia for blepharoplasty, so patients do not need to undergo general anesthesia.


Is local anesthesia associated with pain in blepharoplasty?

Local anesthesia in blepharoplasty is generally less painful because only a small part of the patient's body is anesthetized for local anesthesia. In this type of anesthesia, a series of topical drugs such as lidocaine is used in the eyelid area or padari near the eye to reduce pain and irritation.

In addition, some doctors may give their patients anti-anxiety or sedative medication before surgery to prevent stress and anxiety before surgery.

Therefore, local anesthesia in blepharoplasty is associated with less pain, and patients are usually under complete and calm control during surgery.


Is local anesthesia dangerous for blepharoplasty?

Overall, local anesthesia for blepharoplasty is generally safe and has fewer risks than general anesthesia. However, all surgeries involve risks, and local anesthesia may also carry some risks. Some of the reported risks of local anesthesia include:

Allergy: Some patients may be allergic to topical medications used in local anesthesia and experience symptoms such as itching, redness, and swelling.
Heart failure: If the patient has heart failure, local anesthesia may have a greater risk to the patient's health.
Respiratory failure: If the patient has respiratory failure, local anesthesia may have a greater risk to the patient's health.
Side effects of drugs: Some topical drugs used in anesthesia may cause side effects such as dizziness, sweating, nausea and vomiting.
In any case, you can minimize the risks of local anesthesia by consulting your doctor before surgery and making sure you are healthy.

Is local anesthesia more dangerous for blepharoplasty with older age?
With older age, some of the side effects of local anesthesia for blepharoplasty may become more severe and pose more risks. With older age, the body may be less accustomed to the drugs used in local anesthesia, and side effects are more likely to occur.

Most doctors, for older people, may use another type of anesthesia, called epidural anesthesia. In this type of anesthesia, a special drug is injected into the back of the neck to anesthetize the upper part of the body. In some cases, this type of anesthesia is used to reduce the risk of complications in patients over 65 years old.

For this reason, older people need to consult a doctor before surgery. Your doctor will decide whether to use local anesthesia or another type of anesthesia based on your condition and medical history.

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